Friday, August 1, 2014

My Favorite Sound!


Nothing motivates me more to list than hearing that sound!  I was so happy to wake up to five sales and then have two more this morning.  

Still not super enthusiastic about doing the JBF consignment sale coming up - I don't know if I like having all this stuff  hanging around here all summer.  I hope it pays off when the sale comes and I can cash a nice sized check. Any sort of check? 

This is what I'm hoping will sell this weekend...
 J. Crew XXS shorts - ADORABLE!!
 I have over 20 watchers and yet these won't sell!  
Buy some cute shorts people!
 Quacker Factory Butterfly Shirt - Large.  I love this brand!  I always pick this up when I find it.
We have a family event to go to in the morning.  Not sure I'll be able to go to any sales.  Forcing me to finish for the sale and list some things I already have.  
Shopping is always the fun part, isn't it? 

Have a great weekend!